Friday, February 15, 2013

NDM Case Study Presentation

For 13C:

Please make sure you complete ALL twelve questions from the New and Digital Media Case Study pack

Then do TASK 13 - the detailed presentation, in which you summarise your case study, providing at least three detailed textual examples, using as much of your research as you can, and as much media theory/terminology as you can include.

Remember what makes a good PowerPoint - significance, structure, simplicity, rehearsal. DON'T include masses of text; DO include images and lots of slides.

Please upload your PowerPoint to Google Drive and embed it on your blog.

Deadline for all of this is Wednesday 27/2.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Y13 Critical Investigation 2nd Draft


The second draft is due on Thursday 28/2.

Make sure you've posted up all your LRs (from me and your peers) on your blog, written out in full. You must use these to plan your next draft. Each must be covered - please post up whether you have (and how), or not (and why), underneath each one on your blog, before you hand in your next draft.

Use the MEST4 Peer Marking slides to remind you of the different assessment objectives you need to cover/improve upon, of the different theories, issues and debates that you need to try to include, and of how to present your footnotes/bibliography.

Remember that the second draft must be handed in on paper (one and a half spacing) and posted on your blog.

Friday, February 08, 2013

13A Homework: Proposal

Complete this form in detail (about your practical production) and post up on your blog by Thur 14/2...


Production Title:



Description of your intentions:

Target Audience:

Similar Products:

Production Details:

13C Friday 8/2

Mr Halsey and Mr Babu will be starting you off/supervising. I'll be back during p2.

Work in silence on your case study. You need to have completed Questions 1-7 in detail, with examples/references/stats etc. for each one, by next Wednesday's lesson.