Saturday, December 17, 2005

Independent Study - TASK 11

For 13C students...

The following comprises TASK ELEVEN. It also needs to be completed over Christmas and MUST be done for the day you return on Thursday 5th January, 2006. Failure to do so will mean that you will not receive a one-to-one tutorial about your work in progress...
  • Produce a detailed essay plan for your independent study, covering everything that you hope to include in your submission. Break your ideas and research down into sections and paragraphs with headings, summaries and a list of references that you hope to include at each step.
  • Make sure that you label each point you hope to include by linking it to Key Concepts (MIGRAIN) and Wider Contexts (SHEP). (You could just include the initial letter in brackets). This way you can see whether you have covered everything that you need to in an even way. Also, ensure that you think about where you will include theories/theorists and media keywords. (Keep the 'Essential Word Dictionary' handy).
  • This will make writing your essay so much easier. However, it is a big task as it requires you to read through all your research very carefully (including reviewing all the work that you've posted up in your blogs and checking through the comments/suggestions you've received).
  • You may want to produce this plan as a straightforward series of bullet points or as a more complex mindmap. If it's the latter you may have to do it by hand and then scan it in before posting it up on your blog. Or you may want to try out a free trial of some mind-mapping software. (You can see an example - but not for an independent study - of how this software can be used below...)

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