Friday, December 15, 2006

Med 5 Tutorials

You will be each be receiving a crucial one-to-one tutorial with your Media teacher during January 2007. However, you must have completed all blog tasks (1-14) to be eligible for this so these need to be done by the day we return after Christmas (Monday 08-01-07). Also, when you attend the tutorial you must bring your fully organised research folder with you so get those in order now if you haven't done already.

Finally, the deadline for the completed first draft of the Independent Study is...
  • Monday 5th February
This means that if you have a tutorial towards the end of study leave you will only have one and a half weeks to get all 3000 words done (with footnotes and a full bibliography for it to be accepted) so the advice would be to get in early for a tutorial.

Available times will be posted below for each class...

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