Monday, June 22, 2009

Video Evaluation HW

HOMEWORK TASK (individual) for ALL Year 12s – By Monday 29th June

1. Write a self-evaluation (on your New Media blog) of your video, summarising the info on your feedback forms. Make explicit reference to the level descriptors (ACTUP) and WWW/EBI. These descriptors can be found on the VLE under MEST 4 Mark Sheme Grid in the New Media section.

2. Create a links list in your sidebar (on your blog) for the New Media blogs of everyone in 12C1 & 12D1.

3. Watch & compare all the videos produced by students in another class (12D1 if you're in 12C1, and vice versa).

4. Select the FIVE best and post links to the specific videos or embed them in a new posting (on your blog).

5. For each video you choose, award the student an ‘eCommendation’ in their comments section. Explain why (ACTUP) and thank them for their efforts.

If you missed any lessons this week or last, you must go to the VLE and download MEST 3 Internet L.4-6. Then you should do all the activities you've missed. There is a Word document (Mark Scheme Grid) that goes with lesson 6, also on the VLE.

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