Sunday, November 18, 2012

Case study: Young people in London (19/11/12)

For today's lesson, you need to choose three cuttings from the press coverage of the London riots and analyse them on your blog. Make sure you publish the JPEG of the cutting to go with it. Make sure you cover the following:
  • What kind of representation of young Londoners can you find?
  • Can you link this to any media theory (e.g. Alvarado)?
  • How could you refer to this text in an exam answer?
The jpegs are available on the school's VLE - go to Departments > Media Studies > Shared documents 

When you have analysed three cuttings, use your notes and examples to answer the following question:

A negative representation is better than no representation at all. Discuss this statement with reference to the group or place you have studied.

This was an actual question from the A2 exam a couple of years ago and is useful to make sure our notes are relevant to a representation essay.

Finish this question for homework and aim for an extended response (500+ words).

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