Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Hegemony in the age of New and Digital Media


I've got some reading to get you started. Firstly, I noticed a reference to hegemony yesterday in an article that could also be linked to our work on feminism - read this article on the Hunger Games and at least 15 comments below.

You might also want to look at this story on the front page of the Guardian website this morning... can we link this to hegemony?

Main task

Read the Media Magazine article ‘Web 2.0: Participation or Hegemony?’ (use the log-in details here) and complete the following tasks:

1) Research the Ian Tomlinson case. What would the traditional, hegemonic view of the police be in a case like this? How did new and digital media create a different story? What does the police officer's subsequent aquittal suggest about the power of new and digital media?

2) Do you agree that new and digital media challenges the traditional, dominant hegemonic views? Why?

3) What does the author argue regarding whether hegemony is being challenged by Web 2.0? 

4) Use the topic you researched (royal family, NHS, immigration etc.) to provide examples of how new and digital media is used to challenge traditional or hegemonic views.

Complete for homework - due Thursday 5 December.

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