Sunday, November 16, 2014

13D Cover Work/Homework: Mon. 17/11/14, p3/4

Remember the basic rules first:
  • Arrive on time - make sure you register with the cover teacher/Mr Halsey;
  • Stay in the classroom until the end of the lesson;
  • Work responsibly on the tasks set.
A. Complete this task for Parents' evening on Thursday 20/11:

Review your Tutorial Targets you received (most of you had TEN things you had to do).

Create a new blog post entitled 'Tutorial Targets Review' and paste the targets into it. For each one, state your progress, either... 
  • GREEN (completed) - please provide a link to where this can be found on your blog;
  • AMBER (ongoing) - again, provide a link to what you've done so far;
  • RED (not started) - explain WHY!
We will discuss this at Parents' Evening so make sure it's done!

B. Complete this task for Friday 21/11, p3:

Continue with your Media Magazine research, aiming for 1000 words on this part of your research.

Remember that by Friday you should have a minimum of 2500 words overall on your 'Notes and Quotes' document, posted up on your blog.

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