Thursday, June 15, 2017

Summer project: proposal

You need to finalise your choice of topic and text for your MEST4 Summer Project.

You should have a shortlist of FIVE texts and topics that you have discussed in class with peers to help narrow down your selection. 

Now, you need to choose ONE of those ideas and complete the following MEST4 Summer Project proposal on your MEST4 Coursework blog:

Summer Project: proposal

Media text: Chosen Media text from last five years

Media issue/debate: e.g. Media effects, representation, moral panic, regulation and control etc. Be specific.

Link to Media key concepts (MIGRAIN) - at least THREE: e.g. Ideology, Narrative, Representation. Explain the link between each concept and your chosen text/topic.

Wider context - impact of text/topic on society: Why is your chosen topic important? What impact does this debate have on audiences or institutions?

Linked production: Looking further forward, write a brief description of the media product you intend to make as a linked production to run alongside your investigation.

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