Your revision/preparation for the Module 1 re-sit in January should be...
- Revision of MIGRAIN - key questions to ask, keywords/glossary .
- Read through all Module 1 class notes, practices and handouts.
- Re-read Module 1 revision pack, focusing especially on the moving image info/examples.
- Timed practice - MIGRAIN analysis of a range of two-minute (or less) moving image sequences...
- extracts, title sequences and opening sequences from any genre of TV programme or film (soap, sitcom, documentary, news, gangster, thriller, etc.).
- TV adverts and film trailers.
- video games, music videos and internet viral videos.
If you are short for time then you can always just do the 15-minute MIGRAIN note-taking exercise on some days but try to do this as often as possible in the run-up to the exam (every day?).
For homework over the holiday, you must complete at least three of these practice exams and post them up on your Module 6 blogs. Failure to do so will mean we will not pay for any further re-sits you wish to take. Deadline for this is January 6th 2009.
Please post up as comments on here a record of the practice you have done - it will be useful for people to share ideas about what texts are good to try, where you can get links to them online, and an opportunity to ask Macguffin any questions about any of the Key Concepts. Also, your teacher will be alerted when you've finished a timed essay and you can get some feedback on it.
And don
Finally, there are TWO compulsory REVISION CLASSES after Xmas - on Wednesday 7th January at 3.25pm and Wednesday 14th January at 3.25pm - go to DF05.