Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Good Luck!

All the best to all of you re-sitting Module 1 or 2 (or both) tomorrow. Remember, the vast majority of Year 13s do better in these exams (at least one grade higher) than when they took them in Year 12. Now is not the time to feel guilty about not doing all that extra practice and preparation that you promised you would do (but feel nice and smug if you did).

What you should be doing is going into the exam confident that all you've learned for Modules 4, 5 and 6 has reinforced and built upon the basics you need to show you understand in the AS. You know so much more than you did then so make sure you demonstrate this.

It's all about the Key Concepts (especially Media Language, Audience and Representation), 'Concept Flow', using key media terminology, constructing a well written essay, showing some personal engagement, linking it to other texts, information, ideas and theories (but not too much of this, it's not Module 6 yet).

Mr Munro will start the exam as I can't be there but best of luck...you won't need it!


BusHaRa said...

doesnt any1 else think the text this year was pretty difficult? i found ma self day dreamin in the exam, n i heard people say dey wrote things i didnt even think abt. lol nice flop! good luck wid da results neway every1 X

Macguffin said...

Mama Mia, Jamie Oliver!!

Good idea, Bushara, to get the discussion going.

What do the rest of you think about the exam(s)? Please post up a comment while it's still fresh in your minds.

What were the main points you included? Was it hard or easier than last time? Do you think you'll get a better grade? Why?

Puja said...

I actually liked it.... i dont know if i did well... but i thought it was a interesting piece to choose... i mean i had to look so hard into the advertsement to get information... but it did test my media analytical skills (did i spell that righe lol)

i actually suprised myself and came up with interesting and unique pionts which i spoke to Mr Munro about =) Either way im fine with my current grade lol =)

Pip said...

I actually found the exam really challenging and so difficult that i reckon i was so put off from my first look at it, that i so nearly gave up! I dont think i done very well.. it did help knowing module 6 content though because without theory and ideolgy i would have been truly lost! It was such a complex advert..and i dont think i actually grasped it properly to do a good 'analysis.' Never mind..no skin off my nose..no one really cares!

x Seal my love..G.C x

Dinni said...

i personally found the exam alright, not necessarily too hard! at first i did a mini plan but then i never really stuck by it becuase once i began to write, i thught of alot of new ideas e.g. jamie oliver was clothed in the colours: blue, white and red (union jack colours)and this promoted England and possibly his patriotic nature? but anyway im not to fussed, we'll just have to see what the grades are...


ashmed6 said...

What were the main points you included? Was it hard or easier than last time? Do you think you'll get a better grade? Why?

Yeah i found the exam relatively easy.It was harder than the last year, but the new text gave us a chance to use the information we learnt so far in year 13. So i think that i did much better than last year and i will get a much better grade.

Some of the stuff i included was: cultural hybridity concerning the british patriotic film 'The Great Escape' and the whole italian theme, negatively stereotyped italian butcher that connotes the mafia, positively stereotyped italian values...patriotic, good cooks, traditional. I also looked at the traditional theme of the mise en scene and its correlation with the italian theme.

BusHaRa said...

wow ashley.. seeeems like u gna put us all 2 shame!

Anonymous said...

It was alright, i suppose, quite challenging. I thought it wasn't a typical print advert but i mentioned how most of channel 4's print ad's were quite similar.

Key points i made were, jamie oliver's persona as a celeb, the audience would most likely to be m.class due to what the ad was published in, maybe aspirers.

Erm not sure if i mentioned any yr13 stuff but i did mention how the advert could be seen as patriarchal.
I thought i did okay with prep work, didn't really focus much on adverts though.


~*Anika*~ said...
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~*Anika*~ said...

• The Jamie Oliver advert was hard to analyze but was easier than the rugby thing we had to analyze.
• It was easier because I could look at it as much as I want giving me time to think about what I could write.
• The key points I made was that Jamie is well known for his programme and school dinners and his Sainsbury adverts but also being a chef. Because that ad said the programmes called “Jamie’s great escape” it would emphasise that he could a hero so I mentioned propps theory about character roles and the Italians being the villains this also suggest an action genre film sort of thing. I also said that the advert creates enigma because you don’t know what the actual programme is about. I also talked about the connotations of colours.
• I don’t remember covering any of the year 13 work.
• I did prepare but I could have revised a bit more for it.

Jaskeerat said...

hm the exam was harder than the one we did last summer, but it wasnt that bad. Its not like there wasnt anything to say about it...it was just hard to find something to analyse and make sense of it.

Key points...Jamie is a celeb chef, the fact that his programms on Channel 4 always start with "jamie's" its like a sense of continuity. erm..yeah other stuff

Yr 13 stuff, i just wrote something about phallic objects, it was lame but yeah i got desperate. lol! oh and patriarchy

I reckon i did enough prep work, i analysed an advert :D
Jaskeerat x

Pip said...

Was it easier or harder than expected?
Definitely, the lack of text I think overall meant there was so much more independent interpretation involved which was all a bit airy fairy.

What key points did you make?
Ehrm I spoke about the artistic effect and the yellow/green tint contributing to the overall mise en scene which had a real Italian feel to it. The symbols of Italian nationalism contradicted Oliver tied up and so was a subversion of post colonialism. Appealed to similar audiences of broadsheet/ blue-top tabloids.

Were you able to include any of the Year 13 (Med 4, 5 or 6) stuff you've covered and if so what?
Yep..theory on post-colonialism. That’s about it I think.

Did you do enough preparation?
I prepared adequately for newspapers, magazines and film posters. Not for adverts!


Xxx_kay_xxX said...

Was it easier or harder than expected?
I think the exam was harder then I expected but easier then moving text image.

Because most of the revision I did was on the newspapers, film posters, magazine, DVD covers,website plan ECT… I forgot to revise adverts:(

What key points did you make?
For representation and narrative I talked about how the man could be seen as a villain because he was holding a knife in Propp’s narrative roles. And the meat hanging beside Jamie could foreshadow what could happen to him.

Were you able to include any of the Year 13 (Med 4, 5 or 6) stuff you've covered and if so what?
I mention audience profiling (med 6)

Did you do enough preparation?
I did plenty of revision on a lot of print texts but I forgot to do an analysis/plan on an advert.

Xxx_kay_xxX said...

Was it easier or harder than expected?
I think the exam was harder then I expected but easier then moving text image.

Because most of the revision I did was on the newspapers, film posters, magazine, DVD covers,website plan ECT… I forgot to revise adverts:(

What key points did you make?
For representation and narrative I talked about how the man could be seen as a villain because he was holding a knife in Propp’s narrative roles. And the meat hanging beside Jamie could foreshadow what could happen to him.

Were you able to include any of the Year 13 (Med 4, 5 or 6) stuff you've covered and if so what?
I mention audience profiling (med 6)

Did you do enough preparation?
I did plenty of revision on a lot of print texts but I forgot to do an analysis/plan on an advert.


Charlies Angels-Full Throttle said...

Was it easier or harder than expected?

I think that this exam was harder than last years. The text we got was something i didnt expect.


I didnt expect it to be an advertisement but a newspaper or magazine cover so i decided to do practice on those texts.

What key points did you make?

I mentioned challenging stereotypes, some theorists from last year and patriarchy and some other things i cant remember.

Were you able to include any of the Year 13 (Med 4, 5 or 6) stuff you've covered and if so what?

I remember including the uses and gratifications theory becasue of active audiences.

Did you do enough preparation?

i think i did preparation but to say enough, im not sure. I did the homework and to be honest i did more revision and practice essays this year that last year but i cant really say how well i think i did.

a_moran said...

Was it easier or harder than expected?

I thought it would be easier to do a print text but it seemed harder than last years


I think it was a lot more subtle than the rugby and needed indepth anaylsis. Looking at it first of all I was clueless but eventually I thought of more points.

What key points did you make?

I mentioned the mafia connotations and also the negative and positive Italian stereotypes. And the subverted stereotypes of a male chef.

Were you able to include any of the Year 13 (Med 4, 5 or 6) stuff you've covered and if so what?

No I don't think so.

Did you do enough preparation?

I was quite prepared but I could have done more.

kelly said...

when i first saw this text i really didnt want to do it, but as i got into it i found that it wasnt as hard as i thought it was going to be. Some things i included (from what i can rememba) was how its a male dominated text, keeps a traditional Italian theme, etc
I prefered the exam from last year but this one wasnt to bad, im not sure i will get a better grade but as i have put more things we have learn from this year into the exam i hope its made my grade higher

xalliayax said...

The exam quite surprised me, i didnt expect to see an advert featuring jamie oliver. However i found there was alot to comment on, and felt i did ok.. or atleast better than last yr!!

CuTiE PiE said...

eRm tuk me by surprise too, was kinda weird...wen i first saw it i was lyk erm oki then...i cud have prepared maself more for it however i did try my best...things were jst cumin outa my head so i was jst writin em dwn...was kinda hard tho tryna talk about different culture etc. Couldnt reali remember to add much as to what we learnt this year...but i did try talk about the audience more as I have gained a better knowledge of it...yup thts about it..G.C sEaL mY LoVe! xXx

BusHaRa said...

Was it easier or harder than expected?

i guess you never really expect an exam to be 'easy' but i didnt think it would be as challanging as it was, i think because we focused so much on moving image texts, we was at a disadvantage because it was print.


Its not that i didnt expect an advert, just the advert that was choosen wasnt really what i would expect (maybe like a product or something)

What key points did you make?

Subversion of sterotypes of men, actually cooking, and its not only womens role to be in the kitchen.

The title of the show 'great escape' suggests that he has to over come something, telling us about the narrative.

ermm cnt remember, stuff about how jamie is famous, with the whole school dinners thing, cnt remembr wt esle

Were you able to include any of the Year 13 (Med 4, 5 or 6) stuff you've covered and if so what?

I included alot more context this time around, but i think i was so far removed from migrain, because we just developed from that now.. but dunoooo

Did you do enough preparation?

yeyaa.. jst did it by hand tho X


Get Rich Or Die Trying said...

The exam was okay I guess, i was kinda surprised when i opened the page because the first thing i saw was dead animals on hooks :|
The key points i spoke about where the Italian people being superior to the british because of the big chef in the corner. Also, the link betwwen the title and jamie being tied up. I cant realy remember if included anything from the other modules. I did a substantial about of work to prepare all i know is that i spoke in depth about certain aspects.
Good luck everyone with the results of this exam.
Ramneeet x

Anonymous said...

I personally thought the text was hard, because i didn't have a clue what to write. i thought it was an interesting piece and there was alot of information and analysis that could have been done, but i just had writin about simple things.

Anonymous said...

The text was harder than expected as the image gave a complicated perspective, (wow that rhymes lol}n by that i couldn't think of much things to write. The key points had focused on the italian theme, audience and values n ideologies that the picture represents.

It had covered med 4,5 and 6 as we had to include migrain and other concepts, i had prepared but thinkin back to the exam i could have prepared better.

Balinder's Blog said...

I think that the exam was quite hard, as i wasn't expecting anything like that. But you need to be prepared for everything so i tried my best in applying all my knowledge.

I inlcuded all of the key concepts and made sure that I structured my essay using the concept flow. I remebered to focus mainly on media language, representation, audience and values and ideologies. I can't remember using any med 6 knolwdege. Come on sir, your making me nervous now!!

I think that i could have prepared more for the exam as i wasn't confident in this exam. I just hope that everyone has done well!

Nuff love balinder x x x x

Sawan said...

Was it easier or harder than expected?
The first glance of the picture in the exam I was like this is going to be a long 75 minutes of my life; but as I got into it with the 15 min plan I find it ok and made points that I was quite impressed with.

What key points did you make?
The points I made was firstly about the title "The greate escape", if people didnt know bout Jamie Oliver they could have thought this was a drama about escaping, which goes with himself being tied up.

I also mentioned about how the male and female roles have changed. Females in the past were more domesticated, whereas the male were the dominant ones being the breadwinner. Now males are more interested in the domestic side of life including cooking. Role reversal basically.

The poster gives us enigmas about "why is he hanging there?", "Is he trying to escape?"

Celebrity endorsement - Jamie Oliver, people wanting to aspire to be like him. A chef.

Italians being known for their good cooking.

Where you able to include any of the year 13 (med 4, 5 or 6) stufff you've covered and if so what.

I talked about some theorists and like gratification - how audiences have a personal identification with celebrities.

Did you do you enough prepation?

Yes I did, but I done them on paper. No not an excuse because you're not gonna have a computer in the exam. It makes it more helpful to practice on paper in order to give yourself sufficient time in the exam.

Gurveer said...

I wasn't really feeling the exam, and didn't really prepare for it. When i started planning in the 15 minutes i was WOAHHHHH!!!! can't be asked but then when i started writing i got into it and started ending up chatting my usual mess. I feel pretty confident like last time, but don't want to jinx anything. It wasn't to difficult bacause there were loads of gangster ideologies presented in that piece and there was a lot to say on the audience. Anyway best of luck to everyone, we probably smashed.
