Monday, October 20, 2008

13C2, 13D1 Hw for Tue 04.11.08

Here's are the two additional Tasks set this week for your Med 5 coursework (alongside those you've set yourself - at least 10), both of which need to be fully complete - and posted on your blogs - by the lesson we return after the holiday (04-11-08)...

Keywords Task x10

Using the Media Studies Essential Word Dictionary (that you received a few weeks back) you need, in the first instance, to identify TEN keywords, ideas, theories or theorists that are relevant for your study. For each one, provide a definition of the term and then explain how it is useful or can be linked to your study.

del.ici.ous Links x10

It is noticeable that too many of you haven't been using the list of Med5 links that Macguffin has put together for you that are really useful for your research. There are over 100 carefully selected sites that will lead you to the right kind of information you need for a top grade.

By Christmas you need to have explored all of them but for the time being you need to select TEN that are directly relevant. Navigate your way to specific links within the site (don't just stay put at the homepage) and copy these to your blog. Under each one explain what it is and how you will use it in your essay.

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