Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Case Studies: New Articles

Keep checking back here every few days as there will be links added to new relevant articles, usually from MediaGuardian, that you can use for your case studies.

Remember, the examiner wants to see fresh information that demonstrates someone who's actively taking an interest in the media so read/make notes on at least one new article/day...

New/Digital Media

Will the iPad tablet really be the cure for newspapers' ills?: Murdoch backed the Daily on iPad with $30m, but no one knows how this page-turner will end.

How Facebook affects you and your relationships: Frequent Facebook users are hurting their self-esteem.

Google: a tiger we mustn't feed: As Google's claws bite ever deeper, its dominance of the web should be challenged.

It's fight or flight for Twitter: Thousands have flocked to the social networking site recently but can it capitalise on its growing popularity?


How chavs have replaced working class people on Britain's TV: The Only Way is Essex is must-see television, but this mixture of reality show and scripted situations gives a one-sided view of Britain's chavland.

Cadbury apologises to Naomi Campbell over 'racist' ad: Supermodel said she was 'shocked' by campaign comparing her to a Dairy Milk Bliss bar.

Music videos face crackdown over sexualised content: Government report into sexualisation of childhood set to propose tougher regulations on retail, advertising and video industry.

Rihanna and the rise of raunch pop: The R&B star's S&M video offers an extreme portrayal of a particular vision of female sexuality that permeates pop.

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