Friday, September 23, 2016

NDM Baseline assessment: Learner response

Well done on completing your new/digital media baseline assessment - it's an important first step towards success in the A2 MEST3 exam next June.

The first part of your learner response is to look carefully at your mark, grade and comments from your teacher. Next, read the Examiner's Report from this exam and look particularly at the comments on Section B and the question you've answered on audience empowerment.

Your learner response is as follows:

1) Look over your essay, read it back in full and examine any feedback given. Read the A grade exemplar essay from a past A* student.

2) Read the Examiners' Report for this exam as outlined above.

3) Create a new blog post called 'NDM baseline assessment learner response'

4) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential)

5) Write a new, detailed paragraph to add to your essay that addresses one of the EBIs specified in your feedback. This may be the other side of the argument (the idea that audiences are not empowered) or perhaps a new or improved example from the wider media. Make sure this is an extremely well-developed paragraph of several hundred words, encompassing media issues, debates, examples and theories wherever possible.

If you do not finish it in the lesson your work is returned, this needs to be completed at home by your next exam lesson.

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