Monday, March 27, 2017

Independent NDM case study: Final tasks

These are your last lessons on your NDM independent case study - now it's time to prepare a presentation.

This case study will make up at least two crucial paragraphs in your MEST3 Section B essay on New and Digital Media. Make sure you complete the following:

1) Make sure you have answered every question in the original NDM case study blogpost in full.

2) Create a 20-slide, five minute Ignite presentation in which you teach the rest of the class about your chosen case study. Fill it with useful information that other students could use in Section A of the MEST3 exam - statistics, the decline of traditional industries, particular texts, artists or institutions etc.

3) Set your presentation to 15-second auto-advance and rehearse the delivery prior to presenting to class after Easter.

Final deadline for NDM case study and presentation delivery date: Monday 24 April

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