Tuesday, March 31, 2009

13C2 Tuesday 31.03.09

13C2 (p3)
'Scary Movie'
List of as many references to other horror films that are made in the film. Write this list on your Med 5 blogs.

Research project. Go online (imdb.com again, and Wikipedia are good for this) to find out about the 'Scary Movie' franchise. Look at how the different films have been received, in particular looking for references to how they are considered post-modern. Also, look for references to pastiche, parody, spoof, irony and intertextuality. Find definitions for each of these key terms, post them up on your Med 5 blogs, and say how they are relevant when discussing 'Scary Movie'.

13C2 (p4)
'Texas Chainsaw (2003)'
Draw up a chart outlining the similarities and differences with the original film from 1974. Post this chart on your Med 5 blogs.
Individual essay. "Compare the two versions of TCM. HOW and WHY are they similar or different, paying close attention to ideas/theories about the ways genres repeat themselves and the wider contextual factors that have influenced any changes." Minimum 750 words...post up on blogs when finished.
All this has to be completed by Friday 03.04.09. ALL 13C2 STUDENTS must report to DF07 at 8.45am with all blog work, repertoire of elements sheets, slasher pack work, peer assessment blog targets, independent study second draft completed...check previous postings carefully for full details. This includes those who didn't attend today!

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