Sunday, October 03, 2010

TV Ad Analysis HW (Gender)

For 13C to be completed by Tue 05.10...

Select TWO contemporary TV advertisements (ONE that you think offers a negative representation of women and ONE that you consider to offer a positive representation of women).

Write a detailed analysis (paying close attention to media language, narrative structure and genre codes) of how women are represented in them both and WHY this might be, using relevant media terminology and theory.

Embed the YouTube clips on your blog and include stills to support your argument.

Some Keywords to consider...

Misogyny, Patriarchy, Self Objectification, Feminism, Post-Feminism, Voyeurism, Androgyny, Male Gaze (Mulvey), ISA/RSA (Althusser), Dominant/Subordinate, Content/Textual Analysis, Naturalisation, Myth (Barthes), 'Fourth Estate', Phallic Symbols, Fetishization, Hegemony, Abnormal/Deviant, Femme Fatale, Stereotype, 'Symbolic Annihilation' (Tuchmann), Sex/Gender

1,000 words approx.

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