Thursday, October 10, 2013

Year 13 - Critical Investigation next steps

You should now have an in-depth, completed Critical Investigation Proposal on your blog. Before half-term, you will have a short tutorial confirming the subject matter, question and linked production is acceptable and focused on a text from the last five years.

The next step is to develop a 'Notes and Quotes' document to contain all your research. This document will eventually be thousands of words and contain all your links, ideas, comments and quotes from everything you read and watch. It is essential that you have a wide collection of research and notes before you write a single word of your actual essay.

Your homework over the next week is to start your Notes and Quotes document and reach at least 500 words. 

You can do this on Word or as a blogpost but you WILL have to publish everything you've got to your blog at least once a week for the next month.

Fortunately, you already have a template for this document from the last section of your Critical Investigation Proposal. Copy everything over under the heading Research Plan and start watching, reading and writing up any thoughts, ideas, quotes or comments you think of while looking at it. Don't forget to include anything you found in the Media Magazine articles too.

You'll need this on your blog by Tuesday 22 October - good luck!

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