Monday, December 09, 2013

13E: New and Digital Media

I hope you've got your new and digital media story ready to share for Tuesday's lesson - there is so much out there, this article about Trinity Mirror's new website Ampp3d being a good example.

Once we've gone around the class discussing our NDM articles, you need to answer the following questions on your blog to finish off Pareto's Law:

1) What is Pareto's Law? Sum it up in a paragraph.

2) What other industries or examples can you apply the 80/20 rule to?

3) List three arguments in FAVOUR of Pareto's Law applying to the internet:

4) List three arguments AGAINST Pareto's Law applying to the internet:

Finally, answer the following question:

5) Even if Pareto's Law applies to internet ownership, does it still apply to the content we read online?

If you don't get a chance to finish this in the lesson, complete for homework - due on Tuesday.

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