Sunday, September 14, 2014

13D Cover Work/Homework: Mon. 15/9/14, p3/4

Remember the basic rules first:
  • Arrive on time - make sure you register with the cover teacher/Mr Halsey;
  • Stay in the classroom until the end of the lesson;
  • Work responsibly on the tasks set.
Complete the following for Friday 19/9, p6:
  • Upload your 'Ignite' PowerPoint to Google Drive, click 'share' and make it publicly available for 'anyone with the link'. Then post this address as a hyperlink on your blog under the title: 'Ignite Presentation';
  • If you've presented already: Write a TEN point self-evaluation of your summer research/presentation (WWW x5/EBI x5), to include the feedback you received from me as well as your own ideas;
  • Use Google to search 'The Guardian' website specifically on your text/topic. Type the following (what's in bold italics) into the search box: "tyler the creator" [or "mad men" or "world cup" AND "twitter" or whatever your text/topic is, putting the text/topics in inverted commas] site: 
  • Select FIVE articles that give key information and an editorial opinion of your topic (not necessarily the first five that appear) and read them carefully;
  • Post up the link and summarise each article - in your own words - on your blog;
  • Write a short paragraph after each one, outlining your opinion/views.

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