Monday, November 02, 2015

NDM: Marxism, Pluralism and Hegemony


I've got some reading to get you started. There is a reference to hegemony in a Guardian article about last year's Hunger Games film that could also be linked to feminism - read the article on the Hunger Games and at least 15 comments below the line. How does this link to what we've learned about hegemony?

Main task

Read the Media Magazine article ‘Web 2.0: Participation or Hegemony?'. Go to our archive of Media Magazine issues and click on MM39 - the article you need is on page 58. Answer the following questions:

1) Research the Ian Tomlinson case. What would the traditional, hegemonic view of the police be in a case like this? How did new and digital media create a different story? What does the police officer's subsequent aquittal suggest about the power of new and digital media?

2) What does the author argue regarding whether hegemony is being challenged by Web 2.0? 

3) In your opinion, does new and digital media reinforce dominant hegemonic views or give the audience a platform to challenge them?

Complete for homework - due Friday.

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