Tuesday, September 19, 2017

NDM case study: How has news changed?

Remember our key question from the lesson: How has news changed in the last 20 years?

In the lesson, we debated whether the changes in the last 20 years are more significant than the developments of the last 200 years. It's a big question with no right answer - but we can conduct high-quality research to give us the knowledge to form an educated opinion. Remember, this is what gives you the critical autonomy to reach the top grades!

Blog task: Ofcom report into news consumption 2016

1) Read this Ofcom 2016 report on the consumption of news in the UK. Note down the key statistics and changes that Ofcom document.

2) What are the most popular platforms for audiences to access news and how has this changed in recent years?

3) How do different age demographics access news in the UK?

4) What percentage of 16-24 year olds use the internet to access their news?

5) Does socio-economic status change attitudes to news? If so, how?

6) How many different sources of news are used on average? How does differ between different groups?

7) How has news consumption through television changed in recent years?

8) How much has newspaper circulation declined since 2010? Why do you think this is?

9) Which are the most popular newspapers and websites in the UK? What do you know about those newspapers' political viewpoints?

10) How does online news consumption differ for age, gender and socio-economic status?

11) What percentage of people use social media to access news? How does this differ by age and socio-economic status?

12) What percentage of users only use social media sites for their news?

13) What are the most popular online sites for news?

14) What percentage of 16-24 year olds access news mostly from social media?

15) How do audiences find stories online? Do you follow links or go to the homepage of the news provider?

New/digital media: audience and institution

16) What are the benefits for audiences from the changes new and digital media have had on the news industry?

17) What are the benefits for institutions from the changes new and digital media have had on the news industry?

18) What are the downsides for audiences as a result of new and digital media in news?

19) What are the downsides for institutions as a result of new and digital media in news?

20) Who has benefited most from the changes new and digital media have had on the news industry - audiences or institutions?

Write a mini-essay answering this final question, making sure you use statistics that you have researched from the Ofcom report.

To help you, use this set of points for a very similar question (although not specifically about news) - you'll need to log in to the Media Edu website to access it. Username: greenford; Password: greenfordedu

Complete for homework if you don't get it finished in the lesson: due next week.

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