Friday, December 14, 2018

Film posters - Steel Tongs font

The credits or billing block at the bottom of a film poster is in a very distinctive font - arguably, you can't make a film poster look authentic without it...

Luckily, we have downloaded the font on to school computers - it is called Steel Tongs. The way the font works is that CAPITAL letters work normally while lower case letters each correspond to one of the movie credits ('Directed By...' 'Written By...' etc.)

You may want to look at a Steel Tongs guide to see which letter you need for each credit - there are plenty online, here's an example:

Image result for steel tongs font guide

Note: we have an older version of the Steel Tongs font so not every credit is possible - if you can't find the one you need, just change the credit. It's unlikely to cost you any marks but focus on the major or most relevant credits wherever possible.

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