Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Easter coursework sessions

We now have confirmation that we are able to open Media for two days in the Easter holidays to complete or improve A Level coursework.

We are incredibly lucky to secure the funding in order to do this and therefore it is imperative that you take advantage of this opportunity and absolutely maximise your coursework grade. The Media department will be open on the following days:

Friday 5 April (Raising Achievement Day for lower school): 8.30am - 3pm
Tuesday 9 April: 9am - 3pm
Wednesday 10 April: 9am - 3pm

Mr Shepherd has very kindly agreed to give up two days of his Easter holiday to open up Media and Mr Bush and Mr Halsey will also be available at certain times across the two days in order to give feedback and an idea of grades/marks.

When we return after Easter, we will be marking and moderating coursework before sending it to AQA. The vital date for your diaries:

FINAL coursework deadline: Friday 26 April

The coursework is 30% of your A Level. As we saw in the Media Awards, the standard expected at A Level is exceptionally high and you need to take advantage of these opportunities and collect every mark you can.

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