Sunday, September 08, 2019

Media blogs: setting the standard

Your Media blog is where you do the vast majority of your work as a Media student - so we need to make sure it looks professional.

These are the guidelines you need to follow when working on your Media blog:

1) Always write a post title that clearly states the piece of work you are producing. The correct post title will almost always be specified on the original blog task. Your post title goes here: 

2) Make sure your written English is perfect - just as you would in an exercise book or essay. This means capital letters, full sentences and accurate spelling and grammar.

3) If you are answering questions on your blog, make sure you clearly number each question. Leave a line break between each question too.

4) When completing larger case study tasks, make sure you use subheadings as directed in the original task.

5) Save your work regularly and publish it before you log off. You can always go back and edit or finish your work but it's vital you don't close your browser before saving and publishing because that's how you can lose work.

6) If you're looking for the higher grades in A Level Media, it's vital you answer questions in well-developed paragraphs and not single sentences. The depth and detail of you analysis will ultimately be what gets you to the top grades - so get into good habits on your blog from the beginning of the year.

Set a high blogging standard from day one this year and you will be making the first step on the way to a top grade in Media!

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