Monday, October 07, 2024

Y13 Baseline assessment: Learner response

Well done on completing your Y13 Media baseline assessment - it's an important first step towards success in the exams next June.

This also gave us the opportunity to revise two key topics that are likely to come up in those exams - Magazines and Radio. It's the nature of the two-year linear course that we will be assessed on topics that we may have originally studied over a year ago. As a result, it's vital that we build in revision activities and assessments across all nine types of media as we progress through Year 13. 

The first part of your baseline assessment learner response is to look carefully at your mark, grade and comments from your teacher. Next, read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully and note in particular the anticipated content for each question. 

Baseline assessment learner response

Create a new blog post called 'Y13 baseline assessment learner response' and complete the following tasks:

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

2) Focusing on the BBC Newsbeat question, write three ways it helps to fulfil the BBC's mission statement that you didn't include in your original assessment answer. Use the mark scheme for ideas.

3) Question two asked you how useful media effects theories are in understanding the audience response to War of the Worlds. Complete the following:
  • Gerbner's Cultivation theory: useful or not useful? Why?
  • Frankfurt School's Hypodermic Needle model: useful or not useful? Why?
  • Stuart Hall's Reception theory: useful or not useful? Why?
4) Write a full essay plan for the 25-mark Magazines question. The mark scheme contains plenty of ideas you can use here. Your plan should include notes/bullet points addressing the following:
  • Introduction: one sentence answering the original question and laying out your argument clearly.
  • Paragraph 1 content/ideas:
  • Paragraph 2 content/ideas:
  • Paragraph 3 content/ideas:
  • Paragraph 4 content/ideas:
  • Conclusion: sum up your argument a final time in one sentence
5) Finally, identify three key skills/topics you want to work on in A Level Media this year before the final exams in the summer.

You will not have enough time to finish this LR in the lesson your work is returned so complete for homework - deadline on Google Classroom.

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