Wednesday, January 18, 2017

January assessment: Learner response

Your MEST3 Section B January assessment is a good opportunity to reflect on your progress so far in Year 13. Are you on track to reach your target grade in A2 Media? 

Complete the following tasks on your blog as your learner response:

1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

2) Read through the mark scheme (go to the last two pages of the document - Section B New/digital media). Of the six different statements for each level (e.g. A sophisticated and comprehensive essay, showing very good critical autonomy.) write which level you think YOU are currently working at for each one. Explain WHY and, for any that are not Level 4, what you are going to do to improve in that area. 

3) Look at the Examiners' Report for this particular paper. Read page 10 - Section B New/digital media. How many of the good points or higher level answer examples did you include in your essay? What were they? What could you have added to improve your mark?

4) Read through these exemplar A grade essays from last year. What do these essays offer that yours does not? Identify THREE things you can take from these essays to improve your own responses in future.

5) Write ONE new paragraph for your January assessment essay. Ideally, this should be a section you did not cover in your original essay. This paragraph needs to be comprehensive and meet the criteria for Level 4 of the mark scheme.

Finish for homework if you don't complete it in the lesson. Due: Monday.

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