Tuesday, December 19, 2017

NDM blog essay: feedback and learner response

Well done on completing your new/digital media essays on your blog - they already show huge progress from the baseline assessment. 

We now need to use what we've learned from this process to prepare for the January assessment in the first week back. We're not necessarily expecting an A/A* response in that assessment but we DO want to see significant progress from the baseline assessment and good use of all the case study material we have covered.

NDM essay: learner response

Create a new blog post called 'NDM essay feedback and learner response' and read your feedback email from your teacher carefully. Then, complete the following tasks:

1) Copy and paste the email feedback (WWW/EBI/LR) into your blogpost.

2) Identify your strongest section. Which part of the case study do you know best - Marxism and Hegemony? Pluralism? The decline in the newspaper industry?

3) Identify your weakest section or any missing sections. Which part of the case study do you need to revise - News values? Baudrillard's hyper-reality? Alain de Botton's news as social control? Clay Shirky's news as social good?

4) Complete the LR task specified in your feedback - usually to re-write a certain section and then create a revision list for the January assessment. Please complete these LR tasks within this blogpost - don't go back and edit your original essay at this point.

If you do not finish this learner response in the lesson, this needs to be completed at home by your first lesson back after Christmas.

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