Thursday, December 14, 2017

NDM News: A case study in News and Social Media

To finish off our comprehensive case study on the impact of New and Digital Media on News, we will look again at the impact of social media on traditional news institutions.

This helpfully revises some of the work we have done over the last 14 weeks as well as adding a few extra examples, quotes and statistics that will be invaluable in a MEST3 Section B essay. Complete the following tasks to complete your case study:

Blog task: Factsheet #134 - Press, Prominence and Persuasion – A Case Study in News and Social Media

Go to our Media Factsheet archive on the Media Shared drive and open Factsheet 134: Press, Prominence and Persuasion – A Case Study in News and Social Media. Our Media Factsheet archive is on the Media Shared drive: M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets

Read the Factsheet and complete the following questions/tasks:

1) What does Guardian journalist and academic Emily Bell say has happened to the print news industry on page 1 of the factsheet?

2) How do news stories become prominent on social media?

3) What is EdgeRank and how does it work?

4) Why was the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri (after the shooting of Michael Brown) an interesting example of how Facebook's news algorithm works?

5) How did the news of Osama Bin Laden's death break?

6) How does news spread on Twitter?

7) What is YOUR opinion on editorial control at tech giants like Facebook and Twitter? Are they neutral or should they play an active role (such as blocking and deleting ISIS beheading videos)?

8) Spend some time exploring First Look Media. Is this a realistic future for quality journalism?

9) Read the About page for First Look Media. What are they trying to achieve and do you think they will be successful?

10) Finally, take a good look at The Intercept. Explain how The Intercept started and list three interesting stories on there from the last 12 months.

Complete this for homework - due next lesson.

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